Manufacturing of aerospace structures & materials  

Course Contents The red line of the course is aiming at knowledge and understanding of manufacturing processes in relation to material properties and feasible product designs. The course contents include manufacturing processes for metallic and composite parts, the assembly of parts into large (sub)structures, and related topics like Quality control, organisation principles, finances, etc. Study Goals The student should have a good knowledge and understanding of the mainstream manufacturing processes of structural materials (lightweight alloys, composites, hybrids). The student should be able to describe and motivate the processing procedures like the processing steps, required tooling and equipment, of manufacturing processes. The student should be able to select adequate manufacturing processes for designs of lightweight structures and components, and should be able to motivate his/her choices. The student should be able to analyse and synthesize interactions between materials, design and manufacturing processes. The student should be able to identify and explain manufacturing related flaws and inaccuracies and advice on how to prevent/limit those.
Manufacturing of aerospace structures & materials

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